Trammell, A. & Gilbert, A. (2014). Extending play to critical media studies. Games and Culture, 9(6).
Trammell, A. & Gilbert, A. (2014) Introduction: extending play to critical media studies. Games and Culture, 9(6), 391-405.
Trammell, A. (2013) Magic modders: alter-art, ambiguity, and the ethics of prosumption. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Special issue: “Legal and Governance Challenges,” Eds. Melissa de Zwart, Dan Hunter, and Greg Lastowka, 6(3).
Trammell, A. (2013) MP3s and other evil media: American pathologies in Critical Information Studies. American Quarterly, 65(2), 405-11.
Sinnreich, A., Graham, N., & Trammell, A. (2011) Weaving a new ‘net: a mesh based solution for democratizing networked communication. The Information Society, 27(5), 336-345.
Stoever, J. L., Silva, S. & Trammell, A. (Forthcoming, 2015). Networking sound studies: Sounding Out! and the digitizing of community. Provoke this!: sound and the digital humanities. Eds. Mueller, D., Lingold, M. C. & Trettien, W. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
Trammell, A. & Waldron, E. (Forthcoming, 2015) Playing for intimacy: love, lust, and desire in the pursuit of embodied design. Rated M for Mature: Sex and Sexuality in Video Games. Eds. Matthew Wysocki and Evan Lauteria. New York: Bloomsbury Media.
Trammell, A. (2014) Who judges the judges: evaluating competition as a technique of evaluation in online game design forums. Online Evaluation of Creativity in the Arts. Ed. Cecilia Suhr. New York: Routledge.
Trammell, A. (Forthcoming, 2014) Gaming the Cold War: vintage games at RAND, MIT, and the Pentagon (and the fans who loved them). 2014 Digital Game Research Association Conference proceedings.
Lingel, J., Trammell, A., Sanchez, J., & Naaman, M. (2012). Practices of information and secrecy in a punk rock subculture. ACM 2012 Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference proceedings, Seattle WA, February 11-15.
Trammell, A. (2010). Magic: The Gathering in material and virtual space: An ethnographic approach toward understanding players who dislike online play. Meaningful Play 2010 proceedings.
Sanchez, J., Trammell, A., Graham, N. & Lingel, J. F. (2010). The Jersey punk basement scene: Exploring the information underground. iSchools Conference 2011 proceedings (1st Place Juried Poster Competition).
Trammell, A. & Sinnreich, A. (2014) Visualizing game studies: materiality and sociality from chessboard to circuit board. Journal of Games Criticism, 1(1).
Trammell, A. (Forthcoming, 2015) Review of Graeme Kirkpatrick, Computer Games and the Social Imaginary. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.
Trammell, A. (2013) Notes from the wargaming underground: dungeons, dragons, and the history of games. Game Studies, 13(2).
Trammell, A. (2010). Review of Dave Tompkins, How to Wreck a Nice Beach: The Vocoder from World War II to Hip-Hop. Journal of Popular Music Studies, 22(4), 484-488.
Trammell, A (In Preparation) The politics of simulation: a history of cultural techniques in Dungeons & Dragons and other role-playing games. Publisher TBA.
Trammell, A (In Preparation) Influential game designers series: Gary Gygax. Bloomsbury/Continuum: New York.
Trammell, A (Under Review) Biogamification. The Fibreculture Journal. Special Issue: “Apps and Affect.” Eds. Nandita Biswas Mellamphy, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Alison Hearn, Christopher Keep, Svitlana Matviyenko.
Trammell, A (Accepted for publication and in preparation) Race, class, and gender in role-playing games. The RPG Studies Handbook. Eds. Jose Zagel and Sebastian Deterding. Publisher TBA.
Trammell, A (Accepted for publication and in preparation) Laboring to publish: fandom in role-playing games. The RPG Studies Handbook. Eds. Jose Zagel and Sebastian Deterding. Publisher TBA.